More Than We Could Imagine

His work in us
These verses above are ringing so true in my life right now!
I am overwhelmed with the blessings the Lord has begun to reveal to my Hubby and myself recently.
I have always had big dreams, but the Lord’s dreams are clearly even bigger than I could have imagined! {as if that should surprise me- ha}
He is at work in me and I pray that He will continue to work through me.
I cannot wait to share some exciting news ahead!
As much as I hate secrets, this one must stay a secret until the Lord’s timing is right and He has given us more answers.
We are in a season of praying, seeking, and waiting.
And for what might be the first time, I am actually learning to enjoy & savor this season of waiting.
I’m nervous and excited to see what the Lord is going to do.
There is an unquenchable thirst within me
and my heart is doing tumbling in my chest.
Glory to God!
He. Is. Good!!

We would love it if you would join us in praying for His direction!
Thank you!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20-21


Be Brave

Be brave

{Quote from Hope Engaged– one of my new favorite blogs!}

I don’t know what your reaction was when you read the quote above, but it hit me hard. Am I brave like Jesus? Not.Even.Close. Do I want to be? Absolutely. You & I were put here on this earth for one reason and one reason alone. To fulfill the Great Commission– to be brave, to be bold.

My husband and I just celebrated one year of marriage. It was a beautiful year- but we know that the Lord has much bigger plans for us. We had every intention of sitting down last weekend to talk about & pray about what it is the Lord wants to do in and through our marriage. We got caught up in celebrating & spending time together and didn’t leave enough time for this conversation. And that is okay {grace not perfection}. This conversation will take a good chunk of time and countless hours of prayer. But this weekend we will make time for it.

This past year we were blessed more than I could have ever dreamed. But if I am being honest, I don’t feel as though we put ourselves in enough situations to bless others. We know God brought us together for a reason much larger than ourselves. Yes- He does want us to find joy in our marriage, and we do, but He wants us to bring the joy of knowing Him to others even more than He wants us find joy in our marriage. {But let’s be honest, could there be a more beautiful reason for a union then to bring glory to God?}

So it’s time for us to be live brave. Do I know what this is going to look like? no. Do the first thoughts that come into my mind as I begin thinking/praying about this scare me? yes… more than I like to admit. But again, that is okay. Because God will provide & lead the way.

Has the Lord showed you how He wants you to live brave?


Is it a Setback or an Opportunity?

setback opportunity

Do you remember when we talked about turning our stumbles into part of our dance? Well this is just another reminder. There is no such thing as a setback. Instead of seeing something as a setback, look at it as a new opportunity.

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Henry Ford

Have you ever experienced a setback that turned into a new opportunity?

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Start Somewhere

job acuff BBB

You know the saying ‘March winds lead to April showers which bring May flowers?’ Well it seems the April showers have decided to return, which I am pleasantly enjoying. A few months ago I downloaded the audiobook version of Quitter by Jon Acuff and these soft rain showers have given me the chance to stay inside and listen to it while working around the home. Don’t you just love it when you can do two things at once? My entrepreneurial spirit sure does! Another thing I would love is to find a business idea that I am passionate about and start it. So Acuff’s chapter “Remove the ‘I’m’ from Your ‘But'” really spoke to me and I hope it speaks to you too! I would love to hear some of your answers to his questions below!

1.) What do I love enough to do for free?

  • That’s a cliché you here in guidance counselors offices in high school- but it’s no less true. What would you do even if no one paid you for it? I blogged for 2 years and didn’t make a dime- but it didn’t matter, I loved doing it.

2.) What do I do that causes time to feel different?

  • When you really get engaged in your ‘something’ space & time seem to shift a little. You’ll sit down to do a little writing before dinner and the next time you look up it’s 10 you never ate. Time shifts when you are doing what you love. Has that ever happened? And if so, what were you doing?

3.) What do I enjoy doing regardless of the opinions of other people?

  • Your dream can’t be powered by opinion or affirmation. It has to be bigger then the feedback of a peer or a coworker.  What would you do even if no one told you they loved it.

4.) If only your life changed, would that be enough?

  • If you killed yourself for years and at the end of the experience the only life that had changed was your own, would that be rewarding enough? If the experience was the lesson and the journey itself was the reward, would that be okay with you? Is there something that holds that sway for you?

5.) Are there any patterns in the things you like doing?

  • If you’ve got a dream, chances are there is not just one isolated hinge moment in your past. More than likely you have a list of moments that are similar and related. What patterns can you see in the decisions you have made and the experiences you have loved?

Ask yourself those questions. Love yourself enough to actually write down your answers. And when you do, show them to someone you trust. Sometimes we are so close to the painting, we can’t tell what it is and we need someone else to point out the truth.

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