Cultivating Thanks by Katie of Hope Engaged

Happy hump day! Ladies and gentlemen, today I get to introduce you to one of the most inspiring women I have met in the past 6 months. There are few individuals in the world who have as beautiful and as pure of a heart as Mrs Katie. The Lord has blessed her with an incredible story, crazy adventures, and out of this world passion. If you haven’t visited her site yet, you must! I can almost guarantee you will become a regular follower! So without further ado, meet my sweet friend Katie of Hope Engaged

Hello sweet friends, I’m Katie and I am so thankful to get to guest post on Chloé’s blog today.

A lot has happened this past year for me.

{besides moving to Nepal, and traveling through Europe and SE Asia…}

I was also dealing with the remnants of some anxiety and fear,

unable to count my blessings.

And yet, through my journey this past year,

I realized that a life saturated and soaked and daily bathed

in thanksgiving is what gives us a



more peaceful


And so I began to pray that God would cultivate a movement of thanksgiving

and gratitude in my feeble soul.

That it would be like fire and began to blaze uncontrollably.

It started with believing that God was good all.the.time,

because honestly Satan’s biggest lie is that God is not good.

and through a shift in my thinking,

peace came,

because ingratitude slowly began to fade away.

and I began to literally count my blessings in a pretty notebook.

it has become a love letter to God,

because he delights in our thanksgiving.

and it has been a life saver to me,

because gratitude is how we were made to thrive.

fully ALIVE. 

So I am incredibly thankful

for a life that has been changed

through lifting my hands in praise for my blessings,

instead of clenching my fists in discontentment.

Happy thanksgiving day has truly become every day!

much love,



ABC’s of Thankfulness

Happy Monday! On November 1st I shared with you that we will be having a series of guest posts on the blog this month! Today I want to introduce you to our first guest, Marquis! If you haven’t visited her site yet- you must! Keep checking back regularly for more guest posts! We have more friends that we can’t wait to share with you!
Hi everyone, I’m Marquis from Simply Clarke. A few months ago, Max preached on the ABC’s of Gratitude and giving God thanks for things in our life. I loved it so much that I came home and made my own list. I really wanted to share this with all of you because I think its a great tool to turn our attitudes around on “bad days” and just meditate on all things God has blessed us with that we can be thankful for in life. My list is below, feel free to leave a few “letters” of thankfulness in the comments. I would love to read a few of your “letters” and just share in being thankful! Also, I would love to have you over at my blog following along. Check it out 🙂

ABC's of Thankfulness - What are you thankful for today?


A/C. We are so blessed to live in a country where this is common
Baseball. Kevin playing college baseball was one of the funnest times in our life + I just love the game
Candy. What can I say… I have a sweet tooth
Diet Coke.
Electricity. You don’t realize how much you depend on it till its out for a few hours.
Family. I LOVE my family – they are the best.
Gummy Worms.
Hairdryer. Just got a new one and its fantastic – cut my drying time in HALF!
iPhone & Ice Cream. Dunno how to pick just one of those
Kevin. ♥
LOVE. i love, love.
Music & Monograms.
Nachos. I couldn’t think of an “N”..haha.. then I was like mm..nachos sound good.
One Tree Hill.
Parents. I have the best parents eva!
Quirks – b/c they make everyone unique.
Venti size at Starbucks
working out
xi – that is saves me in scrabble – who knew it was a word
yesterday 🙂
zzz… who doesn’t like a nap?
What are some of the things you would include on your ‘ABC’s of Thankfulness?’ We would love to hear them! And if you choose to share your own on your blog, please share a link with us!

1000 Gifts

1000 gifts

1000 gifts 2

{wedding photo Scott Cotton Photography :: anniversary photo Ashley Lauren Photography}

Happy November! November is easily one of my favorite months. What’s not to love about getting together with family, focusing on blessings, and celebrating life! {And it is my dad’s birthday month!} For as long as I can remember my dad has embedded in me that it is important to focus on my blessings. He even included it in my family’s acronym {visit it here}. And this month we get to all focus on our blessings.

In honor of Thanksgiving I reached out to a few of my favorite bloggers and asked them to share a little bit about Jesus and the blessings in their lives. Their posts will appear sporadically between now and Thanksgiving. And trust me, you won’t want to miss their encouraging words!

A few days ago my husband and I were sitting on our back porch, eating dinner, and talking about Jesus. His hand has been so apparent in our lives- especially lately. As we began talking about the blessings He has given us I began thinking about Ann Voskamp’s  book ‘1000 Gifts.’    {If you haven’t read it, you must!} Voskamp reminds us that,

“giving thanks is what gets you joy.”

{tweet that}

We must learn to embrace our daily blessings- the big and the small. Later that evening I began my own list of 1,000 gifts. While it is nowhere near complete, it is a beautiful start. And I will continue adding to my list until I reach 1,000! {If you have your own list of 1,000 gifts please share your link below or email it to me! I would love to read the blessings the Lord has given you and will share a link to your list at the end of this post!} Continue checking back to see what our guest bloggers have to say! Their posts will appear midweek.

And so we begin…

  1. my husbands smile
  2. the way my husband can make me laugh any time/anywhere
  3. warm sun shining on your face
  4. light bulb moments
  5. bible studies
  6. salt water
  7. salt air
  8. sand between my toes
  9. okay, anything beach related
  10. sunrises/sunsets
  11. finding the perfect bible verse at the exact moment you need it
  12. adventures
  13. fresh flowers
  14. making new friends
  15. experiencing Christ in & through others
  16. blog friends {who knew the internet could form such community?}
  17. s’mores {especially when made from a beach fire pit in SoCal with family/friends}
  18. words that speak directly to my soul
  19. the sound of rain
  20. thunderstorms
  21. overcast days
  22. hearing someone’s testimony
  23. black coffee {or espressos}
  24. tea {specifically green tea}
  25. humidity {yes, i love it!}
  26. laughing till i cry
  27. spending time with people who inspire me
  28. shades of blue
  29. celebrating {celebrating anything and everything. each day is a gift}
  30. traveling
  31. inspiring places
  32. experiencing different cultures
  33. clean sheets
  34. hearing my husband pray
  35. great advice
  36. walking hand in hand with my man {especially on our evening walks}
  37. health
  38. bright colors
  39. white
  40. deep conversations
  41. chilled champagne
  42.  good beer/wine {especially with my family/friends}
  43. fresh fruit
  44. accountability
  45. love notes from my man
  46. candles
  47. prayer journals
  48. beautiful art {of any kind}
  49. worship music
  50. coffee dates {with friends, family, husband, strangers, whoever}
  51. trying something new
  52. inspiring quotes
  53. volunteering for a cause i believe in
  54. snail mail
  55. a good movie
  56. my husbands passion
  57. saturdays
  58. our home group {the village church’s name for ‘bible study’}
  59. beautiful photos
  60. getting in bed by 10pm
  61. encouraging words {verbal, text, snail mail…}
  62. more Jesus
  63. less me
  64. seeing others fulfill their dreams & passions
  65. fresh juice {especially home juiced greens… but really}
  66. naps with my husband {especially on rainy days}
  67. fresh cut grass
  68. visiting family
  69. meeting individuals with a servants heart
  70. tex-mex {yes, it is different and so good}
  71. nail polish
  72. 80 degree days
  73. my moms homemade chocolate chip cookies
  74. beautiful invitations
  75. dinners outside
  76. restaurants with great patios & views
  77. Snowboarding {especially with family and my man}
  78. dancing with my husband {randomly, anytime/anywhere we feel like it}
  79. frolicking
  80. big dreams
  81. swimming
  82. yoga
  83. listening to other languages
  84. our weekly questions
  85. apps that let me keep connected with friends in other countries
  86. homemade pizza {especially when we use our outdoor pizza kitchen}
  87. boat rides
  88. bike rides
  89. God winks
  90. making messes & treats in the kitchen
  91. Bible studies
  92. adventures
  93. marriages based on Jesus


Searching for Adventure

01 03 02 05 04 06 07

Anyone else enjoying the fall? Confession- I traditionally don’t care for the fall. While the changing leaves are beautiful- the cooler weather always reminds me that winter is around the corner… And winter and I are not best friends. But this fall is a little different. The cool air blowing in this season is also blowing in new possibilities and new adventures. And the Lord is teaching me to embrace it all. This fall has been filled with laughter, dancing, hard work, joy, trials, and abundant blessings. The cool, overcast weather has been surprisingly liberating! My husband and I are rejoicing in His goodness, overwhelmed by His timing, dancing in His grace, and basking in His adventures!

Recently the Lord has been teaching me a lot about adventures. As an individual who is always ready to visit a new city or new country I have always envisioned adventure as being an act of going somewhere. But the Lord is teaching me that each day, right where I am, is an adventure. We are called to live bold, meaningful lives. And the more we embrace the lives He has given us, the more glory is pointed back to Him. Adventure is a state of heart. We must program our hearts and our minds to wait expectantly for where God leads. We must pray big prayers and wait to see how the Lord fulfills them.

So this fall we are being intentional about studying Jesus and what His life looked like. As Christians we are called to turn away from my old fleshly desires and to follow Christ- to emulate Christ (Acts 3:19). That is an adventure. One step at a time, each day as it comes. Every morning starts a new page in your story with new adventures to be experienced. In November I am choosing to look for the adventures in each day.

Has anyone had any adventures recently?


How to Embrace Life Now

Happy Friday’s eve! Today I want to introduce you to one of the most inspiring women I have ever met. You might remember me introducing you to Bailey Heard in one of these posts when I was asking for you to pray for her and her sweet family while her husband battled stage 4 lung cancer. I want to encourage you to continue praying for her family, but the prayer request has changed.  A few months ago her husband Andrew joined Jesus in heaven. While his passing has been quite difficult, the Lord is using Bailey & Andrew’s story to further His Kingdom and for His glory. I could not be more inspired by Bailey’s strength, confidence, and most of all, her faith. Bailey is now being hired to speak across the country and to share the story God has given her & her daughter. Below is a preview into what the Lord has been teaching her!

{Glen Photography}

{Glen Photography}

“Good morning! Thank you so much for allowing me to share my story with you today. September 2012 my husband Andrew was diagnosed with his second battle with cancer. When he was 18 he was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma went through chemo and radiation and was considered medically cured six years later.  He went on to play football at Texas Tech and then played at Baylor when he was in seminary at Truett.  I was a cheerleader at Baylor and was set up with Andrew by mutual friends. From that point on it was a whirlwind. We dated for 1 year and were engaged for 10 months. We married in 2007 and had our beautiful Ellie Grace in 2011.  Andrew let me know early on in our relationship that his cancer could come back possibly as Leukemia. In 2012 his cancer did come back, but as stage 4 lung cancer. Andrew never smoked a cigarette but we thought it could have possibly come about from all the radiation to his chest during his first battle with cancer.

I remember the day Andrew came home from a CT scan to tell me he had cancer. I just lost it. It felt like a complete nightmare. I called my mom bawling while trying to not cry in front of Ellie. From that point forward I had no idea the adventure God had in store for our lives.

I can say I really grew up this past year. I was stretched and challenged in my faith in a way I had never experienced before.  Today I want to share with you a few of the life changing lessons God taught me through this experience. My hope is that you would be inspired through what I’ve learned and that it will help you whenever you go through trying times.

{Glen Photography}

{Glen Photography}

The Present is a Gift

I’m not sure if this mostly had to do with being in my twenties, but I felt like I was always either dwelling on the past or focusing on my future. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to reflect on the past or to prepare for your future. I actually think it’s a great thing, but what I was missing out on was the gift of being in the present. Once Andrew got diagnosed it was like I saw a timer on our foreheads. In some ways it was a gift to know that all I had was the present. It caused me to look at my life differently like I wasn’t invincible and those ones I loved weren’t either. I found joy in just being instead of constantly doing and analyzing. Of the greatest gifts Andrew left me was being in the present himself. On the day that he passed away he was present with all of us until the very end. His last words were that he loved me. It was both tragic and beautiful all at the same time.

One of my most vivid memories of Andrew and my time together towards the end was laughing. Even when he was at his sickest he was cracking jokes and making me smile. He was present. I love that in the middle of our darkest days there was such joy and laughter. His joyful and courageous attitude paved the way for me to follow in his footsteps. If he could choose that attitude with everything he was going through I could do the same!

{Glen Photography}

{Glen Photography}

Begin with the End in Mind

Life became so clear for Andrew once he knew he was going to die. He wanted to leave a legacy of faith, courage and hope to the world. He always wanted to do that, but sometimes, like most of us, his doubts and fears got in the way. It was amazing to me that I watched Andrew wrestle with the details of his faith for so long and it was like the moment he realized life could be over in an instant the details faded to the background and his purpose became so clear. I watched as Andrew spent hours and hours writing his book “A Gray Faith” because he knew God had put a message on his heart to help Christians and non-Christians know that it’s ok to have questions and doubts. And that it’s ok to wrestle with God and don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than because you have questions.  In the end we will never know the answers to some of our most challenging questions but this we have hope in that Christ died so that we can truly live. That is what matters most of all.  I’m honored to help take Andrew’s message to wherever it may lead. I’m excited to keep sharing about our life and journey on my blog and I’m looking forward to getting Andrew’s children’s book that he wrote and illustrated for our 2 year old Ellie Grace published.

{Glen Photography}

{Glen Photography}

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

I have to be honest, one of the only reasons I’m able to get up and speak in front of large groups and speak is because I watched Andrew’s courage as he faced one of the most difficult situations anyone can go through- so I tell myself if he can do that, I can do this. I always wanted to be like Andrew, a good speaker and a writer, but I always found excuses for why I couldn’t ever be as good as ‘so and so.’ I let the fear of my beliefs dictate my future. Andrew showed me through his life how to face fear head on and that when we do, we most likely will come out the other end better and stronger then we were before. I have found so much confidence and encouragement in the fact that I have now faced one of my biggest fears (losing my spouse) and knowing that I survived. And not just in the fact that I did it, but in the belief that we can all do it and come out a better version of yourself. It gives me a grateful and fresh perspective on life and on living it to the fullest.

{Glen Photography}

{Glen Photography}

Live Your Dreams Now

Watching Andrew really taught me that we need to live our dreams now! Andrew’s biggest dream was to become a speaker and an author. I watched over the years as he put those dreams aside for other things that he felt obligated to do.  The happiest I ever saw my husband was the last year of his life where he was living his dream. He authored his second book, had a huge online platform, and spoke at different venues. He was finally doing what he was meant to do and he wanted more time to keep doing that. I know that Andrew would want me to live my dream and he’d want you to live yours too.   

Now, more than ever, I see that God has a purpose and plan for our lives. Part of mine, I believe, is sharing my experience and connecting with and encouraging other people who find themselves in a difficult season. I want to encourage you, if that is you now or if that is you in the future, to truly trust that God has a plan and purpose for your life. And be open to where He may lead you and know that you can & you will get through to the other side a better, stronger and a more confident you. My challenge to you today is to go after your dreams now (because life is too short), be present, embrace an attitude of gratitude for all that you’ve been blessed with, and finally reach out a helping hand because you will in return receive the greatest gift of all, love and community. Thank you so much for allowing me to share with you today.”

I highly encourage you go check out Bailey’s husband’s book “A Gray Faith.”  I promise, it is worth it!

If you want to hire Bailey to speak contact her here

Follow Bailey’s blog here.


God Winks



What is a ‘God Wink?’ Prior to my dad’s visit a couple of week ago I had never heard of this either. But after a weekend of sharing ‘God Wink’ moments with my dad and husband, I am now noticing them everywhere. A ‘God Wink’ is simply one of the many extraordinary little “coincidences” in life ordained by God. They happen to everyone, but not everyone takes the time to notice them. {Squire Rushnell writes an awesome book about God Winks which I highly recommend!}

This weekend I am experiencing a ‘God Wink.’ I am an introvert, but I hate being home alone for multiple days {kind of backwards, I know}. Well, this weekend I decided to stay home to work on grad school and our upcoming project {which I cannot wait to share with you guys!!}  while my husband flies to North Carolina to be in a wedding. Silly me- what the heck was I thinking being home alone all weekend?! And here comes the God Wink. A few of my girlfriends came down to stay with me for the OU/TX game! Could the timing have been any better? I just love God Winks- don’t you? 🙂

Have you had any God Wink’s recently?


Extraordinary out of the Ordinary


God uses  ordinary people to carry out his extraordinary plans.
I love this.
God chooses to use people like you and me,
ordinary people,
to bring Him glory.
To further His Kingdom.
Praise the Lord!!

There is something so magical inspiring
about watching the Lord use someone normal to bring glory to Himself.
Few things fire me up like watching the Lord work
wonders in someone else’s life.
Watching Him work in and through
ordinary people.

Because it is true.
He does use the ordinary to do His extraordinary plans.


Choose Blessed



You know who has some of my favorite quotes? Buddha. Yes, I said Buddha. Do I believe Buddhism is correct, not even close. But some of Buddha’s statements line up perfectly with the Bible. {if only they understood the beauty of grace that comes with the truth- Jesus. but that is a rabbit trail for another time} 

The quote above reminds me of 1 Peter 5:6-7 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may life you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” During trials we must humble ourselves so that we may learn what it is that our Father is trying to teach us. I recently received an email from someone asking for advice. For this individual trials seemed to be abounding and blessings seemed to be few. She asked how I found joy when in seasons of trials.

My first answer is prayer. Prayer for a changed heart, prayer for perspective, prayer for understanding, prayer for healing… what ever it is my heart is struggling with/yearning for. Pray. Second, cling to verses like James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.”  Third, choose to notice my blessings above all.  At times this may be the hardest of the three. But it also brings immediate joy. If you follow me on instagram you may have noticed that I often hashtag ‘Choose Blessed.’ Each day we have the choice to choose to look at our blessings or choose to look at our trials. I want to choose blessed.

Feel free to join me in choosing to be blessed!
Simply hashtag your instagram photos so we can share in each others blessings!
Life is too short not to choose blessed!

#choose blessed
