
Last week was our first week back at the Institute from our Christmas break and we dove headfirst back into our studies. My head is still spinning trying to comprehend all of the information that we learned (or in my case, still reviewing and still learning). Overall, here is a glimpse into what we learned.

First, it is important to understand that Trinitarianism is a form of monotheism.  Monotheism means that there is only one God. While there are many religions that believe in monotheism, Christianity is the only religion that believes in Trinitarianism.  Trinitarianism says that there is one God that is made up of three parts.  Yes, if you were raised in a church you have probably heard of them- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of these three members have their own separate characteristics yet they are all part of one God.

So why is it important to understand the Trinity? Well for me I want to really know my Heavenly Father and to have a relationship with Him; therefore, I must do my best to learn who He is. I want to know what I believe and I want to know how to worship Him properly.  He created me, He died for me, and He dwells in me today.  Why wouldn’t I want to know Him more?

Furthermore, some individuals who are outside of the Christian faith see our belief in Trinitarianism and begin to see Christianity as a polytheistic religion. So it really is our duty as Christians to understand God and all that He is.  We must know what we believe in order to share Him with others. I want to confidently know that what I am speaking is truth.

Glenn Kreider (our speaker from last week) did a wonderful job outlining it for us. He made these simple statements:


There is one God

The Father is God (eternally)

The Son is God (eternally)

The Spirit is God (eternally)

The Father is not the Son or the Spirit

The Son is not the Father or the Spirit

The Spirit is not the Father or the Son


He also have us a visual (thank goodness- I am a very visual person)



As much as I would love to fully understand every detail of the Trinity and our God, I am kind of glad that no human can. His immensity just proves how almighty He is and how little we are. How great is our God?

It’s a Beautiful Day

It’s a beautiful Sunday! Okay, it’s not exactly beautiful out considering the high is only 33 degrees here- but it is Sunday, God’s day… so therefore it is a beautiful day!  So it’s time for us to get off of our computers, smart phones or iPads and spend the day worshiping our Father and spending time with those we love.

Have a blessed day!


For the First Time

beyondblessedblogfirsttimeThere are few things I love more than doing something for the first time. Visiting a new place, experiencing new cultures, trying a new activity, learning something new. Don’t you agree? But recently I realized that it has been a while since I have done something for the first time. So I am on a quest. Any fun suggestions? Is there something that you have yet to do but have been wanting to do? By the end of this month let’s set a goal to try at least one new thing! Once you try something new I would love to hear about it!

Weekly Questions


Every Sunday my husband and I have a date. Depending on the weather our date varies from a walk, lunch, coffee or just hanging out. Regardless of what we choose to do we always ask each other 7 questions.

  1. How did you feel loved this past week?
  2. How would you feel most loved & encouraged in the days ahead?
  3. How would you best feel pursued in sex/intimacy this week?
  4. Is there anything we would like to do differently this week than we did last week?
  5. How can I better serve you this week?
  6. What were your struggles this past week?
  7. How can I pray for you this week?

Prior to getting married we were told that the first year of marriage is the hardest. While there are many reasons for this, the main reason is lack of communication and a simple misunderstanding.  When two individuals come together they each bring their own expectations, their own understandings and their own needs. My husband and I have learned that in order to love one another more deeply it is imperative that we communicate our needs. Thus these questions were formed.

These questions take us about 30 minutes every Sunday. These questions help us to communicate our needs and have been a blessing to our marriage and to us as individuals. We truly enjoy this time together. Not only are these questions great for newlyweds, but they are even great for couples who have been married for 50 years or more. We encourage you to set a day once a week and try this with your spouse (try them for at least a month). Feel free to adapt the questions to fit your relationship. What questions would you add?




Honey-Lime Chicken

Forgot to take a picture, so this image is from the original bloggers page!

Forgot to take a picture, so this image is from pinterest!

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I have shared a recipe with you so I figured it was about time. During one of my husbands and my last nights in Georgia my mother-in-law and I made honey-lime chicken and I’ll tell you what- it was delicious!! I came across the recipe on pinterest (because where else would I get a recipe from these days?) and it was incredibly easy and even more delicious. The combination of the subtle sweetness and tart lime… let’s just say that I will make it again. And this recipe will make for the perfect summer chicken skewer!

Just mix up the marinade and let the chicken marinate over night. (Or if you are like me and don’t plan that far in advance, let it marinate for a couple of hours.)

Bon Appetit!

4 chicken breasts
1/2 cup lime juice
1/3 cup oil
3 Tbsp honey
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried rosemary
3 cloves garlic, minced (I’m not a fan of garlic so I didn’t use any. Might try a little bit in the future)
1/2 tsp black pepper


Lately I have been feeling very inspired. It is a new year and we each have the chance to make this year incredible! My husband and I have no idea what the future holds for us but we know that ultimately God holds it in His hands. So it is time to dream big, plan big and have great expectations for this beautiful adventure. If there was nothing holding you back, what would you do?





What is holding you back?

The Crazy Ones


Growing up our parents told us that we could do whatever we set our minds to. And whenever I showed the slightest bit of doubt my father would ask me, “why not you?” And you know what, he was right. If I don’t do it, someone else will. So why not me? It is a new year. Start out this year with the same mentality and I can guarantee that if you stick with it, you will accomplish incredible things! So here is to us-Good luck!


Well, one of the greatest pleasures

Everything has Beauty


When you look at the picture above, what did you read? Everything has beauty? The first time I saw this image I simply glanced and failed to recognize the second past- the most important part. “But not everyone can see it.” Today don’t miss the beauty that surrounds you. You are truly blessed. Intentionally look for the beauty in your life.

Make Yourself Proud


How serious are you about achieving your goals for 2013? I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to achieve each of mine! Did you know that if you write something down than it is more likely to happen? Many studies show that those who are able to visually see their goals are more likely  to achieve them. If you write down your goals than you are 33% more likely to be successful. That is pretty impressive. So if you haven’t already, write down each of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them (in detail- must these steps be done monthly, weekly, daily?). Hang up your goals where you will see them often. If you really want to achieve them share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable. Each week tell them your goal and at the end of the week set a time where your accountability partner may ask you if you achieved your weekly goal. I have learned that if you don’t set a time, it won’t happen- so be intentional about it! My husband and I sit down every Sunday after church and go over our weekly questions and budget. In 2013 we will be adding our goal list to this weekly mini date. Feel free to hold me accountable as well! The more the merrier!

Make sure your goals are specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant, and timely.

Time to get writing!

(See others posts on goal setting here)
