You deserve a “Stay-cation”

Who doesn’t enjoy traveling? Sightseeing, adventures, going to museums, new experiences… Typically, summer is the best time to do these things.
This will be the first summer in three years that I have not had the entire summer planned out. Three years ago I spent the summer in Florida going to class and enjoying the beach, two summer’s ago I spent the summer living and interning for Donna Karan in New York City and last summer I was blessed with the opportunity to be a Kounselor and Kitchie at Kanakuk’s K-West Kamp.

At first, I was disappointed thinking about this. I was day dreaming of working at Kamp or returning to France (especially because I just finished my second year of  french) or even visiting my family in California.Yet while my friends are all around the world- spending the summer in Italy or working at Kamp, I will be taking online classes in Dallas. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized- there are a plethora of places to go and things to do in Dallas that I have never done. Who says you have to go out of your backyard to go on vacation? This summer will be the last summer with my family before Caleb and I get married and will be dedicated to new experiences, sightseeing and adventures! I’m staying home and enjoying my “stay-cation!”
Any suggestions on fun places to go, see or do in Dallas?
Plan your own “stay-cation!”

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