


Over the past few months I have been patiently {okay, sometimes not-so-patiently} waiting to get a full time job. After much time & prayer the Lord finally gave me a job! I could not be more thankful! Through this I learned to rely on Him even more than I was before and my heart feels strong. I am so thankful for His good and perfect timing.

What is {or has} the Lord taught you through?

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Perspective is Key

perspective beyondblessedblog

If you are like me, you see the photo above and see beautiful little lavender flowers. What you may not know, is that these little flowers are actually weeds. Perspective is key. You will find exactly what you look for in life. If you want to see the beauty- you will. If you want to see the weeds- you will. It is your choice. You get to choose your perspective.

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Abounding Love

philippians 19 beyondblessedblog

We are officially in wedding season! Anyone else feel as though every weekend another friend is getting married? I love this time of the year. The flowers, the dresses, the dancing… There are so many beautiful things about a wedding. While I do love ever part of a wedding, the ceremony is easily my favorite part. There are few things more beautiful then watching a man and a woman stand before their family, friends, and Heavenly Father and commit their lives to one another. As my Husband and I began preparing for our big day he picked a Bible verse that he believed represented us. He chose Philippians 1:9.

“My prayer is that your love
 may abound more & more…” 

If you read this chapter you learn that the verse is not talking about a husband & a wife, but rather the verse is talking about falling more in love with Christ and His teachings. By falling more in love with our Heavenly Father one naturally yearns to do His good and perfect Will.


My Husband explained to me that he chose this verse for us because he believed that if we continue falling more in love with God, we will better fulfill our roles as husband & wife, and ultimately will fall more in love with one another. (Let’s be honest, what is more attractive then a spouse who is zealously pursuing the Lord?). The verse is also a great standard to live our lives by. When making decisions my Husband and I ask one another if our choice is going to help our love abound or if our choice is going to hinder the opportunity for love to grow. We even got “Philippians 1:9” engraved on our wedding bands which allows us to have the constant reminder of both the promise we made to one another and our prayer for one another.

So now part of our daily prayer together is that our love for the Lord, our love for others, and our love for each other may abound more and more.

Do you have a life verse or a verse that represents your relationship?
I would love to hear it!

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Part of the Dance

part of the dance

Henry Ford said that “failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” In life we are all guaranteed trials, failures, and difficulties. We have no control over that. What we do have control over is how we react to these experiences. What if there was no such things as failure? I think it is time that we alter our mindset to see “failure” as a teaching lesson and as something that leads us one step closer to our correct path. Mistakes are how we grow. Therefore, failure is not a bad thing. It is part of life. Embrace it. Make it part of your dance.  Don’t make perfect your standard because you will never get there. Just as God gives you grace, sometimes you need to give yourself grace. And remember, if you are failing- you are trying! The book I just finished, One Thousand Gifts, encourages you to embrace imperfections and to fully live.

“Life is 10% what happens to you & 90% how you react to it.” 
Charles R. Swindoll

Galatians 5:22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is 
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control.”

What would you do if there was no chance of failing?

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Life is Simple

don't complicate it

In life we are given one Great Commission. We are called to love God first and to love others second. So today let’s stop trying to make life complicated. Let’s live for God and love others. Bob Goff says it plain and simple- Love Does.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
 baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 
and teaching them to obey everything
I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

This weekend is starting a little early for my Husband and myself. Today we are driving up to Norman, Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!). I am beyond excited to visit my old Bible Study and am honored that I even get to speak at it. Oh how I love my Sooner friends. Then tomorrow the wedding festivities begin! And the celebration won’t stop till Sunday!  The Bride, Addison, is one of the sweetest, most God fearing, crafty, girls I have ever met. She is beautiful inside and out. Addison is an incredible example of what it looks like to live for God and to love others. She doesn’t complicate life. I can’t wait to share some of the photos of our weekend with you when we return. Her wedding will be the epitome of pinterest worthy- I can guarantee it. You won’t want to miss it! 🙂

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