Big Things, Small Beginnings

Last night my husband and I shared
our testimonies in our Bible Study
& I was reminded all at once at how
omnipotent our God is!

I spent years very, very lost.
But the little seed that was planted in my heart
so many years ago has begun to grow &
to blossom
into a tree bearing fruit.

God has big plans
for you
and for me.

And what a joy it has been to watch that little seed grow!


5 thoughts on “Big Things, Small Beginnings

  1. This is great! Thank you for the reminder. I think sometimes I get so caught up on why my dreams havent FULLY been fulfilled but looking back I see the exact moment the seed has been planted and I see my dreams are unfolding right before my eyes. One day my BIG dreams will be fulfilled but we must stop and see all the small dreams that He blesses us with along the way. Thanks Chloe!

  2. loooooove this! we were all very very lost at one time and it is so encouraging seeing God’s work in our lives. love this post! xox

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