Celebrating One of My Favorites

This month is all about celebrating the blessings in our life and for praising our Heavenly Father for each gift! Today I want to celebrate one of my favorite blessings. My dad. Today is his birthday. If you have met my father, you know what an incredible individual he is. He is an incredible leader, always thinks of others before himself, loves unconditionally, is an incredible listener, encourages every dream, loves a good adventure,  and loves the Lord with all his heart. He blesses everyone he meets. I could not be more thankful for this man.

So happy birthday to one of my favorite blessings, my role model, encourager … my dad!
I hope your day is filled with immeasurable blessings! I love you!

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Yes, he is a man of many talents 🙂


4 thoughts on “Celebrating One of My Favorites

    • We had never heard of it either. But my dad had envisioned where my Husband and I would have our first look and we had already made other plans. And because I’m such a daddy’s girl, we decided to have a ‘daddy’s first look’ in his location! It was such a beautiful moment! And GREAT photos!

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