
As many of you know, Caleb and I are completely cheesy and love all of the cliché  ‘lovey-dovey’ sayings. So when I say I love who I am when I am around him and he makes me want to be better than I am today- I mean it, more than words can convey. Caleb and I are so different and compliment one-anothers strengths and weaknesses so well. The Lord could not have matched us more perfectly for one another! So here is day 4 of our 10 day prayer challenge!

Day 4      Love brings Completeness

Genesis 2:24  “A man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.”

Pray that as Chloé and Caleb join together they would experience the mystery of matrimony where two come together and become one.   Though distinct in personality and ability, may they see that they are designed to experience oneness in their diversity.  May they become so intimately combined that together they live as one complete person with bonded hearts in marriage. 

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